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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Car of the Week: 1970 Pontiac GTO Judge convertible

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Car of the Week: 1970 Pontiac GTO Judge convertible

The GTO Judge that rose from the flames and looks hotter than ever.

In 1999 a fire broke out in a storage facility that held a large number of cars from the collection, and scores of cars were damaged or destroyed. The fabulous green convertible Judge was in the building that day, but it survived enough to be salvageable, so Dick hung onto it and planned to have it restored.

Dick passed away from cancer in 2011, but his dream of having the 1970 Judge returned to its former glory didn't pass with him. Lance eventually got the family's restoration guy, Steve Hoeft, to get serious about finishing the lengthy rescue project. After all, he had been there in the beginning when Dick bought the car to begin with back in 1981.

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